The statement about Multiprocessors that is FALSE is:
a. Asymmetric multiprocessors are a popular form of tightly coupled architecture
Symmetric multiprocessors house two or more identical processors sharing a single main memory. The multiprocessors are tightly coupled, and all of them can access all the connected devices without any preferential treatment of one over the others. This is unlike asymmetric multiprocessors that do not share a single main memory. Instead, they have distributed memories.
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# Python program to shuffle a deck of card
# importing modules
import itertools, random
# make a deck of cards
deck = list(itertools.product(range(1,14),['Spade','Heart','Diamond','Club']))
# shuffle the cards
# draw five cards
print("You got:")
for i in range(5):
print(deck[i][0], "of", deck[i][1])
You got:
5 of Heart
1 of Heart
8 of Spade
12 of Spade
4 of Spade
Smaller down and monthly payments than leasing a car
Option A.
If you lease a car, then the amount of money that a person has to pay in the form of monthly payments and installments is less when compared to when a person owns a car.
When you own a car, the monthly payment made is more than the monthly payments compared to when the car has to be leased. This is the disadvantage of owning a car, that the payment is more to be made.