The final case in selection sort is trivially sorted.
The final iteration in insertion sort is not needed.
For selection sort, you make sub arrays and find the smallest element placing it in the front and repeat until sorted. This guarantees the final element will already be the greatest element, thus it is trivially sorted.
For Insertion sort, you use the initial element and compare it to the previous element and swap if the current is larger than the previous. Using this sort, you will always perform n-1 comparisons where n is the total amount of elements in the array. Thus, there are only 11 iterations for a 12 element array.
Figure 1: An image — an array or a matrix of pixels arranged in columns and rows.
In a (8-bit) greyscale image each picture element has an assigned intensity that
ranges from 0 to 255. A grey scale image is what people normally call a black and
white image, but the name emphasizes that such an image will also include many
shades of grey.
Figure 2: Each pixel has a value from 0 (black) to 255 (white). The possible range of the pixel
values depend on the colour depth of the image, here 8 bit = 256 tones or greyscales.
A normal greyscale image has 8 bit colour depth = 256 greyscales. A “true colour”
image has 24 bit colour depth = 8 x 8 x 8 bits = 256 x 256 x 256 colours = ~16
million colours.
A vlan can span multiple interconnected switches.
What is a vlan?</h3>
A virtual LAN (VLAN) is a logical overlay network that groups together a subset of devices that share a physical LAN, isolating the traffic for each group.
A LAN is a group of computers or other devices in the same place -- e.g., the same building or campus -- that share the same physical network.
Each virtual switch, or VLAN, is simply a number assigned to each switch port.
For example, the two switch ports in the red mini-switch might be assigned to VLAN #10 . The two ports in the orange mini-switch might be assigned to VLAN #20 .
VLANs can be used for different groups of users, departments, functions, etc., without needing to be in the same geographical area.
VLANs can help reduce IT cost, improve network security and performance, provide easier management, as well as ensuring network flexibility.
To learn more about vlan, refer
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