10s complement of a decimal number is obtained by the following process:
- Obtain 9s complement ( Subtract each digit by 9)
- Add 1 to the result
1) 123900
9s complement => (9-1)(9-2)(9-3)(9-9)(9-0)(9-0)
= 876099
Adding 1 , 10s complement of 123900 = 876100
2) 980657
9s complement = (9-9)(9-8)(9-0)(9-6)(9-5)(9-7)
= 019342
Adding 1 , 10s complement of 980657 = 019343
Answer: If a customer orders more than four pizzas, the program should deduct 10% from the cost of the order. Modify the program appropriately, and then save, run, and test it.
Do you go to BASIS?
Sorry I don't have an answer for you, but we have the same assignment in our AP Comp sci class.
Just wondering.
A spoofing attack. "<span>a situation in which one person or program successfully masquerades as another by falsifying data, thereby gaining an illegitimate advantage."</span>