To see who reads the file, open “Windows Event Viewer”, and navigate to “Windows Logs” → “Security”. There is a “Filter Current Log” option in the right pane to find the relevant events. If anyone opens the file, event ID 4656 and 4663 will be logged.
umm wheres the options so we can answer it and ty
C. sqrt(Math)
All but one of options A to E are is not a static method.
Only option C is a static method. The sqrt() is a static method of Math, that can always be used as Math.sqrt() is used;
The Math class defines all of its methods to be static. Invoking Math methods is done by using Math as a method rather than a variable of type Math; this means that sqrt(Math) doesn't rely on instance variables and don't need to be overridden, unlike others.
Lastly, sqrt(Math) is a static method because unlike other options, it is an utility method, and it is relevant to computations on primitive data types.
The purpose of the static method is in large part to offer a standard library of functions, and it doesn't need to be applied directly to an object.
A Web service
A Web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-to-machine interaction over a network. It has an interface described in a machine-processable format