Either A or D but I’m thinking more A
Its either B or D...... B if the whole story is about him trying for the team and D if that is a big part of the story. Hope I Helped!
You think it might be personification?
Eriki and two of his colleagues at Berlin's elite Academy of Music decide to make an experience using the musicians and their talents. The class of violinists and pianists were divided in 3 groups, using the skills levels as criteria. Every single student was asked about how many hours he /she had spent /training since the first time they touch the instrument
Ericsson discovered that the most successful players spent minimum 10,000 hours practicing.
L'Atelier Rouge which is also known as "The Red Studio" features a contemplative, yet small view of Matisse's recent painting, sculpture, and ceramics, displayed in his studio. The works of art appear in color and in detail, while the room's architecture and furnishings are indicated only by negative gaps in the red surface leading to a theme that can be interpreted as intricate whilst being modest and subtle.
Extra Notes: Seeing artwork displayed at random is to me the most appealing part of said work, the simplicity and carelessness add the feeling that the work is genuine and personal. I feel as if I myself had been there during the passionate, yet delicate original creation of The Red Studio.
Hope this helps! :D