1. Latitude. Kuala Lumpur is located in the equatorial zone, near the equator, so it receives a lot of sun for the entire year, and this explains its warm climate.
2. The main reason for this difference is the altitude: while Minsk is located at 280 meters over the sea level, Banff is located at approximately 1400 meters over the sea level. As the altitude is higher, the average temperature is lower.
3. Jakarta: in fact, it is located at a similar altitude of Kuala Lumpur (just in the opposite hemisphere), in the equatorial zone, while Baltimore is located much more north, so in a colder region.
4. Because they are located at approximately same latitude (just in the opposite hemisphere), so they are more or less same distance from the equator, and they receive more or less same amount of sun light, therefore they have similar climate.
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b. Even though the DNA sequence changed, the sequence still codes for the same amino acid, so no change in phenotype will occur.
There is redundancy in the genetic code. That means that different codons can code for the same amino acids, so some mutations do not change the amino acid sequence of the protein.
Here, the amino acid is unchanged with the mutation.
If the amino acid sequence of the protein is the same, then the protein is not changed, so there will be no change in the phenotype
It is inapropriate because the administration of too much antibiotic alters or destroy the functioning of the pancrea
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r Rr rr
1:2:1 is the genotypic ratio