Option E
In simple words, the above case relates to the situation of lack of evidence. For proving an alleged criminal to be the culprit the law requires a full hard core proof after no further questioning regarding guilt of the culprit could be done.
In this case, eye witnesses or video camera recording could have been an aid fr Patty but as she had not presented anything to the court she can do nothing.
but in my opinion all of them can be right but in this case its B
I have big brain
Sometimes we convince ourselves that we are right and Socrates being an extremely intelligent person might simply come up with an idea and share it to the world and his fellow thinkers, but instead he thought twice and tried to disprove his own idea to see if it really was correct, original and going to be accepted.
Siguranta pe internet este foarte importanta la fel ca oricare alta siguranță.
Siguranță pe internet reprezintă faptul ca noi,oamenii putem naviga pe internet fara a avea grija ca cineva ne va sparge ceva cont sau multe altele.
Siguranta pe internet reprezintă o mare si mare importanta pentru noi deoarece cu ajutorul ei putem naviga pe calculator fara grija,fara temeri.
Sper ca te ajuta cat de cat,daca nu îți pot face mai lunguț.Succes!!!!
<span>One of the criticisms of the Whitehall Study it that the researchers did not adequately address the possibility that occupational and health differences were caused by underlying personality differences. The Whitehall study compared the morality rate of those that were in the highly stratified environment of the British Civil Service.</span>