The most important are the lungs, more precisely the alveoli.
Alveoli are structures of the lungs where gas exchange occurs. They allow oxygen from the air to pass into blood. Oxygen diffuses through the walls of alveoli into the capillaries that surround it. Oxygen is then bonded with the iron in red blood cells and travels to the heart. The heart then sends the oxygenated blood out to all the cells in the body.
It seems that you have missed to include the necessary options for this question so I had to look for it. Here is the answer. The one that lymphoid cells traps antigens and transport them to lymph nodes are the T LYMPHOCYTES. Hope this answers your question.
Evolution involves changing the hereditary characteristics of a population through generations. These traits are the expression of genes that are passed on to offspring during reproduction.
The Ray- Finned Fish has a bony skeleton just like crocodiles. Crocodiles evolved more and adapted to their environment. Along the way Crocodiles grew to have four limbs, were born from an amniotic egg, and then their eggs also have shells, unlike the Ray-finned fish. Therefore the three characteristics they do NOT have in common are: Four Limbs, Amniotic Egg, and Eggs with Shells. The one trait they do have in common is Bony Skeletons. They also both have vertebrae.
The answer is A//////////