Please give us the story:)
Extensive writing is formal writing written with defined structures and stylistic conventions to be aesthetically pleasant for readers; this is because reflexive writing is formal and its main focus is to communicate information; in other words, reflexive writing is meant to share certain kind of information clearly and effectively. Reflexive writing, on the other hand, is personal and much more flexible in terms of style and structures, which makes it more difficult to master. Reflexive writing focus on the toughs an emotions of the author rather than the form. An author that is able to use reflexive writing defectively, is an author that has a deeper connection with their writing, which takes practice and time.
We can conclude that the correct answer is: Reflexive writing is used by accomplished writers, while extensive writing is used by beginning writers.
Here are a sample of vowel suffixes :
- ance
- er
- ing
- est
- Ful
The example of word tat illustrates addition of vowel suffix is : Careful
carE + ful
hope this helps
The communication strategies that people use to influence how others view them are part of a process called Impression Management.
Impression management are the strategies used by the people to influence other people's perception. One of the most ordinary kind of impression management is self-presentation. People often wonder what others will think of them if they did this or wore a particular outfit or anything. For example: a girl often spend hours trying to figure out the right outfit to wear for any particular occasion, and this is mainly because she wants to present herself as beautiful and so that others compliment her looks.
People use many different types of impression management strategies to influence others perception or to impact the views of others. Some of those includes ingratiation, representation, self promotion and so on.