The best response is not to believe immediately. You should examine first the product if it is safe for you. You can look it up in the internet, look for reviews, feedback and testimonies. It is important to research first before taking any drugs or supplement cause you might end up harming yourself.
If you are a smoker quit smoking. Eat three meals a day, doesn't mean you have to eat a lot. Eat alot of vegetables and fruits - at least 1/4 cup worth a day. Avoid processed/canned fruits as they most likely added sugar to it. Exercise daily at least half an hour a day. Stay hygienic. Eat more proteins than junk food. Lessen the amount of snacks a day to 1-2 each should be 100 cals or below. Avoid eating a lot of carbs as it can raise insulin and make you feel hungry often.
I think ur answer would be a
True. It is usually found on parts of the body such as the elbow, knees, and ankles.
A printable Snellen Chart, which you can download online.
Something to cover one eye at a time, like an eye patch or a paper cup.
Tape or tack to hang the chart on your wall.
Pencil or pen to record your results.