Volatile memory analysis
volatile data analysis in a computer's memory dump memory forensics is used by information security specialists to examine and identify assaults or harmful actions that leave no clearly identifiable trails on hard disk data which os what Carl decides to preserve as much data as possible by capturing data in memory
Kendall should report the email as scam and delete email instead of forwarding it. She should also run her virus protection software as these kind of emails on the Internet are mostly Fraud and can contain virus so the user should avoid them.
Adam might have forgotten to loop the guessing code, meaning that instead of letting him guess multiple times, it simply does it once and ends the program. This could be fixed by adding a while loop, or something of the sort, that doesn't let the user finish the program until they guess the number correctly, while adding to the variable that stores the number of guesses each loop.
Landscape or vertical page orientation
In landscape he can mange the number of cell that are required to print on A4 page size.
On landscape orientation of the page we can add more columns of the sheet. That is the reason, we should choose landscape or horizontal page orientation to adjust all columns on the single page.
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