From the
books of Geography Seattle is well known for its rain and dark, gloomy skies, but
it may surprise many how pleasant the weather can be, particularly during the
summer months. Using data from meteorological services for the past 50 years,
we can conclude that November through March brings cool temperatures, heavy
cloud cover and rain falling on most days. The coldest month is January with
average lows in the mid to upper 30s F (about 3°C). Weather is pleasant from
April through October, with the best weather in July and August when highs
average in the 70s and rain is uncommon. Skies are mostly clear and smog-free,
though mornings can produce an on-shore flow resulting in low clouds and fog
which typically burns off by mid-day.
Examples of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are carbon dioxide and methane. They trap infrared light spectrum emitted from the earth towards space. This trap acts as heat insulation causing global temperatures to rise and resulting in global warming and climate change.