People would get skin cancer very easily, plants would start to die off, water would start to evaporate, and the world would be in danger.
X = int(input(“Enter a number”))
table = x * 9
print table
#For the number inputed it will output that number multiplied by 9
Python, Unity 3D, C++Notepad
there is a webiste called w3schools that really helped me through my web page design class, just click on learn html
In 1900, MOHR-COULOMB states Theory of Rupture in Materials which defines as “A material fails due to because of a critical combination of normal and shear stress, not from maximum normal or shear stress”. Failure Envelope is approached by a linear relationship.
If you can not understand the below symbols see the attachment below
f f ()
Where: f = Shear Stress on Failure Plane
´= Normal Stress on Failure Plane
See the graph in the attachment
For calculating the shear stress, when Normal stress, cohesion and angle of internal friction are given. Use this formula: shear stress = f c tan
• f is Shear Stress on Failure Plane
• c is Cohesion
• is Normal Total Stress on Failure Plane
• is Friction Angle