<h2>C- rippled</h2><h2>O- utstanding</h2><h2>M- agical</h2><h2>P- eace</h2><h2>U- npredictable</h2><h2>T- riumph</h2><h2>E - xcellent</h2><h2>R- obust</h2>
<h3><u>Acronym</u>- a word that composes of long words that start with its initial letter.</h3><h3>Example: OTG (on the go)</h3>
The correct option is;
Toggle between orthographic and perspective views
On a game design program such as Unity 3D, when the cube with colored pointers that can be located on the 3D view window is clicked, it will bring about a switch between the perspective or 90 degrees and orthogonal views which enables the display of the object in three dimension that appears more like real life figures.
The solution code is written in Python:
- def square(num):
- if type(num).__name__ == 'int':
- sq_num = num * num
- return sq_num
- else:
- return "Invalid input"
- print(square(5))
- print(square("Test"))
To ensure only certain type of operation can be applied on a input value, we can check the data type of the input value. For example, we define a function and name it as <em>square</em> which take one input number, <em>num </em>(Line 1).
Before the <em>num</em> can be squared, it goes through a validation mechanism in by setting an if condition (Line 2) to check if the data type of the input number is an integer,<em> int.</em> If so, the<em> num </em>will only be squared otherwise it return an error message (Line 6).
We can test our function by passing value of 5 and "Test" string. We will get program output:
Invalid input
Creates line<span> shapes and paths.</span>