Yes they needed to set down and talk to resolve their problem, if one listwnd to another
<h2>I'm fine just let me know when you are welcome</h2>
Answer and Explanation:
James-Lange theory: this theory holds that a physical response causes an emotion
You watch the Notebook and cry and then feel sorry
Cannon-Bard theory: this theory holds that we feel emotion and respond physically at the same time
You watch the Notebook and cry and feel sorry at the same time.
Two-Factor Theory: the two-factor theory holds that emotion is felt and a physical response occurs which is labelled based on immediate environment
You watch the Notebook and feel sad and then cry
The answer is "Schachter and Singer".
Stanley Schachter and Jerome Singer suggested that there are psychological elements that impact the differed conditions of feelings, states of mind and emotions.
Schachter and Singer suggested that two things need to occur before feeling happens: physical arousal and labeling. in light of signs from the encompassing condition. These two things occur in the meantime, bringing about the marking of the feeling.