The computer system is a electronic device that is used to perform computational task on input data for a pre-dertermined result. The components of the computer is divided into hardware and software components.
The hardware components are the physical parts of the computer system, while the software component are the instructions that runs the system.
The RAM is a physical component that provides memory for running current activities on the monitor screen. When it is removed or faulty, the screen goes blank. To add more RAM memory to the system while the system is on, activate the hot-add memory settings.
There is an IRQ conflict, and you need to use Device Manager to resolve the problem.
IRQ is a synonym for "interrupt request line" and are lines which devices use to send interrupt signal to the microprocessor of a device. IRQ conflicts usually occur when a new device is added to a PC, and this can be resolved by setting the IRQ number and you can go about this by going using the Device Manager to resolve this.
A PCM system consists of a PCM encoder (transmitter) and a PCM decoder (receiver). The essential operations in the PCM transmitter are sampling, quantizing and encoding. All the operations are usually performed in the same circuit called as analog-to digital convert Early electrical communications started to sample signals in order to multiplex samples from multiple telegraphy sources and to convey them over a single telegraph cable. The American inventor Moses G. Farmer conveyed telegraph time-division multiplexing (TDM) as early as 1853. Electrical engineer W. M. Miner, in 1903, used an electro-mechanical commutator for time-division multiplexing multiple telegraph signals; he also applied this technology to telephony.
numMugs=input(); #take input from the user and store it on a numMugs variable.
print ('Number of mugs:'+numMugs) #print the numMugs variable value with the Number of mugs: line.
- If the input is 8 then the program is print Number of mugs: 8.
- If the input is 'Harry' then the program is print Number of mugs: Harry.
- The above program is in python language with the two statements one in input and the other is output.
- The first line takes input and stores it into a variable named "numMugs".
- The second line print the value as Number of mugs: value_of_numMugs.
- The above program works for any type of input. It can work for the string data type or integer data type or character data type or any other data type.