Tools were made out of bronze to help hunter-gatherer societies find more food is found to be the contribution of the bronze to the European empire.
- When there is a surplus supply that time there will be the development in the civilization which takes us to another stage.
- The Bronze is a metal that is formed by combining the heated copper and tin in the proportion.
- The bronze weapons made them to produce more in farming and also in hunting as a better convenience to supply for the increasing population.
- Bronze is also used to develop the infrastructure.
The second stage of problem solving is the design stage.
In this phase, alternate solutions are developed for a problem and their feasibility is evaluated.
The problem solving process in its design phase gives an analysis for cognitive or conceptual framework, evaluation of the problem taking its feasibility into consideration and the synthesis of the problem which is used for developing solutions or answers to design problems by many professionals
This was the hardest question ever
Personal achievements
While class systems are based in part on a person's birth, or class of their parents, an important difference between caste and class systems is that class systems also incorporate the concept of personal <u>achievements</u> in determining one's social position.
In caste system, an individuals social class is already determined at birth, whether poor or rich. However, in class systems, an individuals achievement is important in determining his/her social class. For example, a janitor can be hardworking, gets educated and become successful and thus changing his/her social class, while a child born into affluence may be wasteful and end up poor thus experiencing a downward social mobility.
Answer: Chemical Digestion
Under digestion, chewing is considered to be half the battle. After food is done travelling from our mouth to our digestive system, the digestive enzymes tend to brake it down and thus turn it into several smaller nutrients which are further absorbed by our body. This breakdown of food through series of reaction is referred to as a chemical digestion.