Know -
Transmitted through droplets
Has a range of side effects (loss of taste and smell, fever, etc)
People can be asymptomatic
Wonder -
When will we be able to return to semi-normal life?
Will we have to take a shot every year (similar to the flu?)
Why do some coronavirus patients become long-haulers who have recurring symptoms for many months?
Learned -
The mechanics of mask-wearing
How an individual can help their society as a whole
Many members of the population are hesitant to listen to scientists
Calcium carbonate or silica
Geologists do not use carbon-based radiometric dating to determine the age of rocks. Carbon dating only works for objects that are younger than about 50,000 years, and most rocks of interest are older than that
points of equal temperature
The isotherms are closed circular lines that connect dots where the temperature has same value. These lines are very easy to read and they are very useful when it comes to reading a map that has them on, as they will provide us with the information about the temperature. The isotherms are often used in the weather programs and meteorological prognosis, so we pretty much see them every day, but unfortunately the majority of the people do not know what they are and what are they representing.