Answer: British authorities based their colonial commercial policies on the theory of MERCANTILISM.
Explanation: Mercantilism is the system whereby a country amass wealth for itself at the expense of another country. The prosperity of a nation depends upon its supply of capital, and that the global volume of trade is unchangeable. This is done by increasing export significantly and reducing imports. It was used by the British to significantly amass wealth by importing commodities to Africa in exchange for gold and other precious metals.
CO2 is supplied by mammals and other living animals exhaling, producing CO2 this is absorbed through their leaves, and stems
H2O is supplied by the water cycle, nearby rivers, oceans, creeks etc. This is soaked up through their roots. Excess sugars are also stored in the roots as food.
Sunlight is provided in the atmosphere and the chlorophyll absorbs this.
the opening of the double helix and separation of the DNA strands, the priming of the template strand, and the assembly of the new DNA segment.
The DNA must be copied so there is a full set of DNA to pass on to each daughter cell.