help establish laws
i learned this in 8th grade
The correct order is as follows:
1. Asoka struggles with brothers for the throne, then kills brothers and wins the throne.
2. Asoka holds power, and then attacks Kalinga to extend the kingdom.
3. Asoka regrets bloodshed in Kalinga.
4. Asoka converts to Buddhism due to suffering in Kalinga.
5. Asoka creates pillars to tell subjects of three morals laws and makes the kingdom a better place to live.
To conquer the privileged position, Asoka executed his 99 siblings. However, from that point forward, Asoka changed over to Buddhism since he lamented of all slaughter during assaults in Kalinga, one of his battles.
Furthermore, as a Buddhist sovereign, he accepted that Buddhism is valuable for every single individual, so he assembled various laws to make the kingdom a superior spot to live.
- Discovery and Development
where drug begin to be researched in laboratory
- Preclinical Reserach
Involve animal testing for the drugs
- Clinical testing
the drugs began to be tested to people to find out if it's safe
- FDA Review
FDA carefully examined the data that had been collected
- FDA Post-Market Safety monitoring.
The Bible can be harmful when someone uses its content for evil. Even though the Bible is meant to inspire hope and love in modern Christian theology, people can twist its words in a negative way and use it to justify negative actions. Alcohol, on the other hand, was often seen as a negative; but it is all about the person using it,
Los de la tercera generacion no estan conectados con sus raices como los de la primera generacion