There are certain commonalities between the monotheistic faiths of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. The most important similarity is the recognition of only one god and not multiple gods which are present in other religions. Another similarity between the three religions is the recognition of important figures such as Abraham and Jesus as important prophets, however each religion places greater importance on one over the others Judaism: Abraham, Christianity: Jesus, and Islam: Muhammad. There are also other common principles in regards to beliefs and ethics around central values of kindness, love, charity, forgiveness, and others.
Answer:In this case, Monique has OVERCOME FUNCTIONAL FIXEDNESS.
Functional fixedness is how we tend to Psychological focus only on the common function of an object without opening up to its other possible use.
Functionality fixedness is one issue that hinder us from being innovative because
Monique didn't focus on the common use of a shredder but she opened up his mind to consider other possible use for it apart from its common use which means she came out of a fixed mind about the functionality of a shredder and was able to use the shredded junk mail confetti for her glassware.
A society where the rules are always fair but people don't follow them.
Unfair laws can put an innocent person in jail and executed for stealing candy whereas someone not following laws and stealing candy is still protected by "no cruel or unusual punishment"
I would say I am a technophile because I have an interest in technolgy. It is a way for me to have a new mind set of the way tech works in a way. An example could be that my cousin is a graphic designer because he is good with tech and loves art.