How much does Taylor has?
z (min) = 705
x₁ = 10
x₂ = 9
Step-by-step explanation:
Let´s call x₁ quantity of food I ( in ou ) and x₂ quantity of food II ( in ou)
units of vit. C units of vit.E Cholesterol by ou
x₁ 32 9 48
x₂ 16 18 25
Objective function z
z = 48*x₁ + 25*x₂ To minimize
Subject to:
1.-Total units of vit. C at least 464
32*x₁ + 16*x₂ ≥ 464
2.- Total units of vit. E at least 252
9*x₁ + 18*x₂ ≥ 252
3.- Quantity of ou per day
x₁ + x₂ ≤ 35
General constraints x₁ ≥ 0 x₂ ≥ 0
Using the on-line simplex method solver (AtoZmaths) and after three iterations the solution is:
z (min) = 705
x₁ = 10
x₂ = 9
101.25 weeks
Step-by-step explanation: