Unique 32-bit number assigned to every machine on the internet
Internet Protocol is a numerical representation that uniquely identifies a device on a network, like Internet for instance. An IP address is an address used in order to uniquely identify a device on an IP network. The address is made up of 32 binary bits, which can be divisible into a network portion and host portion with the help of a subnet mask.
An IPv4 address contains 4 octets, so it's a total 32 bits long while addresses in IPv6 are 128-bits long.
<span>A large organization minimum at-least 2 DNS servers are needed. DNS servers are each internet domain in need. and Multiple server farms distribute the DNS Server. One of the DNS Server is must in separate location. install DNS server on all domain controller. DNS server on every domain controller is must.</span>
like this
<h3>you click answer and then<u>
<em> boom</em></u></h3>
Lacking a response to my question, I'll assume there's no "correct' answer here.
Joaquin could contact the university's graphic arts department, or if he's interested in the programming side of it, the computer science department, and ask if they have any information on the topic. If he's already majoring to become an animator, then he should talk to one of his professors to see if they know someone in the business that would speak with Joaquin.
The faster and better way would be to go to reddit, or some site at which animators congregate (most probably found through Google), read the forums, and create if he's not finding a suitable answer.
The output of the Java program is 2. The public Vehicle class is defined with the class variable 'counter'. When a Vehicle class object is instantiated, the counter variable increments by one.
In the program, the two instances of the class are created, incrementing the counter variable to two, the print statement outputs 2 as the result of the program.