-Fold: bend in the rock strata
-Joint: a break of natural origin
-Fault: a crack in the Earth’s crust
-Syncline: forms when rocks are compressed
-Anticline: arch-shaped fold, oldest beds are at core
He allowed those who wanted to surrender to leave.
Also, he had his white flag out meaning he won't kill those who left. If it was red, it meant if captured or surrendered he would kill them.
Answer: Population growth can be defined as the increase in the number of individuals living within a political or geographical boundary.
The main factors affecting Population growth is basically birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration.
The single biggest factor that has contributed to the increase of population in the last 300 years is BIRTH RATE.
Nations with high population growth have low standards of living, while nations with low rates of population growth have high standards of living.