The original boundary between the states of Nebraska and Iowa was the Missouri River. The border departs from the river channel because the river's course moved eastward many years after the boundaries were established.
The boundary between Nebraska and Iowa was the Missouri River. In 1877, the river course moved, and a town called Carter Lake on the Iowa side is now on the Alaska side. Even though Alaska claimed the land, the Supreme Court stated that the area belongs to the state of Iowa. That is why the boundary departs from the river channel.
(A) create laws...
judicial is to enterprit (Judge)
Executive its is to enforce (Exicute)
Answer:Chemical sedimentary rocks
The neap tide is tide that occur when sun,earth and moon are positioned to form a right triangle in space.The sun,earth and the moon form a right angle and the gravitational pull of the sun counteracts the pull of the moon.This neap tide occurs when the difference between high and low tide is least. In addition the neap tide comes twice a month,in the first and third quarters of the moon.