Scipio Africanus (in Italian: Publio Cornelio Scipione)
An innate ability is something you learn at birth or is present at birth. It is innate, meaning natural. D. Learning a language is something people do starting from birth.
Citizens and mandates a census to determine the number of citizens and apportion seats to each state.
As it is been practiced in decades, this is a process of drawing boundaries for electoral and political districts in the US and is usually done every ten years after the census. The US constitution requires each Representative in Congress represent an equal number of citizens and mandates a census to determine the number of citizens and apportion seats to each state.
Redistricting procedures vary by state individual states have the responsibility of drawing legislative boundaries for congressional districts as well as for state legislative districts. In most states, the state legislature districts seats, usually subject to concurrence by the state governor. A few conduct redistricting through an independent or bipartisan commission in order to minimize the impact of partisan or legislative politics. A handful allow an independent commission to propose redistricting plans subject to approval by the state legislature.
Answer: Option A. provide a uniform response to all hazards that a community may face.
An Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is an all-hazard plan document which outlines how a facility will respond to an emergency. It is activated on an as-needed basis and includes guidelines to manage a disaster in an effective, efficient, and timely manner.
Emergency operations plans are used by different groups such as hospitals, states, and universities. It is used to ensure a coordinated and effective response to natural, technological, or man-made disasters that may occur in a community. The plan is developed to correspond to the four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery.