When plants make glucose during photosynthesis, they convert light energy into chemical energy.
Photosynthesis is when plants use sunlight to synthesize food from carbon dioxide. Plants are autotrophs (they make their own food) and the food they synthesize creates carbohydrates, so the correct answer is D - autotrophs produce carbohydrates.
Hope this helps.
Answer the Air Pollution From a Power Plant photograph. Tell students that pollutants emitted into the atmosphere do not stay in the atmosphere or even directly above the polluting source forever. They move throughout the atmosphere and are moved and removed by natural processes.
The defecation reflex involves two postive feedback loops. these loops are the stretch receptors in the rectal walls and the sacral parasympathetic system. Defecation reflex empties the rectum by peristaltic movements push fecal matter from the sigmoid colon into the rectum. Then this distension of the rectal walls stimulates stretch receptors which results in defecation.
I think it’s C an increase in producer population