The water molecules move by active transport into the cell from low water concentration to high water concentration
If a decaying baby teeth is untreated properly without an expert's care, it may lead to permanent and serious problems in the developing permanent teeth. Which why it is advisable for parent to bring their children to their family dentist for regular check-ups to diagnose any present problems in the teeth and may be fixed right away.
A dog breeder breeds a brown dog and a black dog and all the puppies are brown.
This is because of the Mendelian inheritance order of characteristics. In all other example, there are several other things that don't align with this order like gender variability, specie variability etc.
All the puppies are brown and this shows proper and complete dominance in accordance with the law...
DNA is tightly packed up to fit in the nucleus of every cell. As shown in the animation, a DNA molecule wraps around histone proteins to form tight loops called nucleosomes. These nucleosomes coil and stack together to form fibers called chromatin. Chromatin, in turn, loops and folds with the help of additional proteins to form chromosomes. Condensing DNA into chromosomes prevents DNA tangling and damage during cell division.
The greek root-word Bios means life