Theocentricism Belief that the Christian God is the central aspect to existence, as opposed to anthropocentrism, monotheism, or existentialism.[citation needed] In this view, meaning and value of actions done to people or the environment are attributed to God. The tenets of theocentrism, such as humility, respect, moderations, selflessness, and mindfulness, can lend themselves towards a form of environmentalism.[
What massacre exactly? Give details
Master Sergeant Raul Perez "Roy" Benavidez
Master Sergeant Raul Perez "Roy" Benavidez (August 5, 1935 – November 29, 1998) was a member of the United States Army Special Forces (Studies and Observations Group) and retired United States Army master sergeant who received the Medal of Honor for his valorous actions in combat near Lộc Ninh, South Vietnam.
Hitler tried it and failed horribly, Napoleon tried before that and found equally terrible results, and the Swedes who fought in the Great Northern War would tell a similar story.
Supply lines running thin in the freezing cold and enveloping mud spells doom for anyone attacking into a Russian winter — or does it?
For some reason, history tends to overlook the many times Russia has lost in the cold, despite their home-turf advantage.