Multi-modal learning, top-down vs bottom-up learning, primacy and recency effect verbatim effect, and working memory capacity
Seth is 18 years old, weighs 250 pounds, and is 72 inches tall. Use the formula and chart below to evaluate his weight, and then answer the question.
BMI = Weight (in pounds) ÷ [Height (in inches)]² x 703
BMI categories, general:
Underweight: less than 18.5
Normal weight: 18.5-24.9
Overweight: 25-29.9
Obese: 30 or greater
What does his BMI indicate about Seth's health?
A. He has a slight risk of weight-related diseases.
B. He is at risk of malnutrition.
C. He has a high risk of diabetes and kidney disease.
The answer is c. If the person acts in a way we predict.
Uncertainty Reduction Theory is also called as initial interaction theory. It is a one kind of a communication theory that takes into account the initial interaction between two people before the actual communication. The theory suggests that people should acquire information about the other person before developing any uncertainty about them.
When acquiring such information, people are able to predict the behavior and resulting actions of others, which in theory's perspective is difficult in forming any kind of a relationship.
The meaning of the marriage commitment. ...
Your individual and combined goals and aspirations. ...
Your relationship expectations. ...
Your ideas regarding family planning or family blending. ...
Your perceptions and expectations regarding money matters.