الجواب هو الفراق بين البلدين في مجال التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي في كل مكان من العالم الأخر
1000 years
The timeline provided shows the major vents in the history of Ancient Egypt. We can see that Upper and Lower Egypt have unified in 3100 B.C. The ruler who unified the lower and upper Egypt was Menes, who also started the First Dynasty of Egypt.
By the timeline, Middle Kingdom started in 2100 B.C<u>.</u> This period is started with the reunification of Egypt after the Old Kingdom and the age during which Egypt wasn’t as powerful. Mentuhotep II is the one who reunited Egypt and the first pharaoh of the Middle Kingdom.
<u>We can therefore conclude that the Middle Kingdom started 1000 years after the first unification of Egypt.</u>
Pianissimo, mezzo piano, and piano
On a graph, an equilibrium is the point where a supply curve and a demand curve meet. Hope this helps =)
Nemes were pieces of striped headcloth worn by pharaohs in ancient Egypt. It covered the whole crown and back of the head and nape of the neck (sometimes also extending a little way down the back) and had lappets, two large flaps which hung down behind the ears and in front of both shoulders.