By organizing their governments and creating long-lasting political institutions. Is this Ap world history on edgenuituy? (Also I’m not sure if my answer is right)
what it was: On 2 May 1803, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase delivered a charge to a Baltimore grand jury in which he blasted Congress and the Jefferson administration for repealing the Judiciary Act of 1801 and thus unseating federal circuit court judges.
significance: The conventional wisdom regarding the outcome of Chase's impeachment—the only such proceeding ever brought against a U.S. Supreme Court justice—is that it showed that a judge could not be removed simply for taking politically unpopular positions.
This is a very poor question - your teacher, clearly, understands very little about the collapse of the USSR and Gorbachev and his reforms.
<span>These 'provisions' are not what Perestroika was about - your teacher, and possibly your text book, has confused two completely separate and distinct Soviet reforms - Perestroika and Demokratizatsiya (democratisation). All of the 'Provisions of Perestroika' that you have listed are, in fact, parts of the Demokratizatsiya reforms. </span>
<span>Perestroika was the restructuring of party and state organisations, but particularly enterprises, factories, mines, collective farms and other 'means of production'. It sought to re-structure the command economy making it more efficient and better able to compete globally and to meet the needs of Soviet consumers and other end users. </span>
<span>What Perestroika demonstrated was the gross inefficiencies of the Soviet Command Economy, and that the economic base of the country needed frastic and radical reforms - not that the Communist system itself was failing. </span>
She did this to prevent the cook and her children from eking out their meagre fare with the remains of the gravy and the other scrapings