11- Red
2- 4:0
3- mixture of both
4- 3:1
When cells split and increase they do this very important thing in order tonmake the new cells exactly the same as the previous before them. Each cell makes more of all it's genes. Then each one.splits into two with one group of genes in each one of the new cells. During the process they make sure that all are copied correctly.
An organism is a body which is made up of many organ systems and parts. Organs constitute these organ systems. Then we will notice that these organs are made up of different types of tissues. Tissues are further analyzed under microscope to see millions of cells. By increasing the magnifying power, we can see that the cells are made up of further small molecules called atoms.
So starting form atom leads to further steps and development steps, an organism is formed. Atoms combine to form cells and each cell in the body perform the same function as our body as a whole perform. No smaller components can perform important functions of body other than cells. That’s y cells are known to be as the fundamental unit of life.
Answer: The process associated with RNA polymerase is to unwind the DNA and build a strand of mRNA by placing on the growing mRNA molecule the base complementary to that on the template strand of the DNA. In the mRNA, Uracil is substituted for thymine as the base complementary to adenine.