1. <u>implicit cost</u>
2.<u> explicit cost</u>
3. <u>implicit cost</u>
4. <u>explicit cost</u>
Implicit costs refer to those costs that represent opportunity cost. In simple terms they are notional or those which haven't been actually incurred but considered.
Opportunity costs refer to the cost of sacrificed alternatives when an alternative is opted for. For instance, a student pursuing post graduation incurs implicit cost in the form of income foregone had he chosen to work instead for the same duration.
In the given case, the foregone rental income Jacques would've earned had he chosen to rent out his showroom represents opportunity cost or implicit cost.
Similarly, the salary Jacques sacrificed by working in boat business represents implicit cost.
The wages and utility bills that Jacques pays and wholesale cost which he pays represent costs which have actually been incurred, which are termed as explicit costs.
As the Allowance of Doubtful Accounts account already has the balance of $12,000, and we need $35,000 at the end of the year. We know that Allowance of Doubtful Accounts account account has credit nature so it needed $23,000 ($35,000 - $12,000) to be adjusted at the end of the year to make the adjusted balance equals to $35,000. So, the adjusted account balance will be $35,000.
Answer: C
Explanation: from the given function Y=50-2X, Y is the dependent variable which represent the Viking Hat, while X is the independent variable representing Fish production.