Actually, large drops of rain form in a cumulonimbus cloud are stated by water vapor condensing in large quantity. If the humidity is very high, or around 100%, water droplets will form extra large during the condensation process. Additionally, this increases the size of the cloud. The droplets will amalgamate to form even larger rain drops that fall because of gravity. I hope this helps! :))
Ps. Cumulonimbus clouds also produce hail, but that hail is not the reason for why they produce big rain drops.
We have shelter and food.
Mitosis is when a single cell splits apart and creates two new cells that are identical to the parent cell.
Nuts indeed are a good source of vitamin E. This is true. However, when talking about nuts we have to consider that not all nuts have the same nutritional information nor do all of them have plenty of vitamin E. While we can say this for most, it is necessary to be wary of making such statements.
The answer to this one is the first one