He is saying "compared to this love we share". The whole poem is centered around the supremacy of their love above all else. In the preceding line, he states that she is all states and he is all princes, and that nothing else is. Compared to their divine and regal love, princes are only imitating their greatness with their meager possessions.
- Driving under influence of alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances.
As per the laws, 'driving under influence of any intoxicating product like alcohol or drugs also known as drunken-driving' is considered as an offence. To ensure the enforcement of this law effectively the state has specified certain penalties and punishments for the offenders like six months imprisonment or suspension of license for a substantial time period. Thus, if someone's found guilty of 'drunken driving or driving under influence'(of drugs, alcohol, or other controlled substances), his/her license has valid chances of being revoked for a stipulated period of time as a punishment.
An internal information.
Reading for the information on the background of the organization where one is working is called an internal information.
Internal information is a strategic technique that focuses on systematically acquiring informations about occasions, trends, events or patterns through surveys and analysis of these information within in an organisation's. The informations acquired internally can be used by the employee to strategically plan his or her future in the organization and exploitation of available opportunities for the success of the organization and his or her growth and development.
Hence, the internal information offers an employee strength and weakness.
The writer's beliefs about life