Iceberg Lettuce. It is a really crispy cabbage looking lettuce. It can be dark green or red.
a type of vehicle for hire with a driver
The structure and function of the chromosome are different in both the prokaryotic chromosome and eukaryotic chromosome. They differ in their size as the genetic information they carry is different from one another.
Eukaryotic chromosome have a different shape from the prokaryotic chromosome as the bacterial chromosome is circular and less complex due to no histone found in prokaryotes as we see in the eukaryotic chromosome. SIze of the bacterial or prokaryotic chromosome is also small and not found in condensed form as these cells carry less genetic information than eukaryotic cells.
The right answer is E.
Uracil is a nitrogenous base (pyrimidine) specific for RNA. The nucleoide of uracil is called uridine and nucleotide is called uridine monophosphate or uridylate. In the DNA, there is thymine instead of uracil.
So if we mark the uracils, only the RNA will be marked. The DNA will not be given that there is no uracil in it.
The condition is which characteristics of atmosphere III is nitrogen-rich and oxygen-poor. Nitrogen-rich is one of the condition in which the atmosphere III characterizes. The other is oxygen-poor, is one of the condition characterizes atmosphere III. Nitrogen-rich material mostly called green because they are greenish in color. Oxygen-poor means the blood enters the RA or Right atrium or the upper chamber of the heart.