- Limitación física: la relación superficie volumen es baja para un intercambio eficiente de sustancias con el medio
- Limitación metabólica: en principio no existen limitaciones metabólicas
La membrana celular es una estructura fundamental para el funcionamiento celular, ya que de la membrana celular depende el intercambio de nutrientes y desechos por parte de la célula con su entorno (medio extracelular). En células muy grandes la relación entre la superficie cubierta por la membrana y el volumen celular es muy baja, lo cual dificulta el intercambio de compuestos (tanto nutrientes como desechos) con el medio extracelular. Por otro lado, los mecanismos metabólicos en principio no deberían verse afectados por el tamaño celular. Por ejemplo, los perfiles metabólicos de expresión génica son independientes del tamaño celular y están adaptados a diferentes tipos celulares, desde una célula huevo que es proporcionalmente varias veces más grande que un célula diferenciada la cual sin embargo no ha perdido la capacidad de dividirse, un ejemplo de esto son las células cancerosas derivadas de células epidérmicas diferenciadas las cuales poseen la capacidad de dividirse y de proliferar indiscriminadamente.
blood alcohol concentration
we studied that recently so I could recall
because ur hart pumps faster and then blood flow increases and the you have more blood delivery to your body
Telomerase activity is controlled during development and is extremely low in somatic (body) cells, virtually undetectable. These somatic cells age because they do not frequently use telomerase.
- Telomeres are repetitive sections at the very ends of chromosomes that are present in a variety of eukaryotic species, including humans and unicellular protists.
- Each round of DNA replication wears down a little portion of the telomeres, which serve as caps to safeguard the interior chromosomal regions.
- Most somatic (body) cells do not typically have telomerase activity, but certain adult stem cells and germ cells—the cells that produce sperm and eggs—have.
- Adult germ cells, tumor cells, and fetal tissues all contain telomerase. Telomerase activity is controlled during development and is extremely low in somatic (body) cells, virtually undetectable. These somatic cells age because they do not frequently use telomerase.
learn more about telomerase here:
Answer: Intertidal zones are regions which lie above the water level which receives low tides. Estuaries are the closed bodies of coastal waters which contain brackish water.
The ways through which the intertidal zones and estuaries can be protected are as follows:
1. The chemical discharge from factories and sewage discharge must be restricted or prohibited in these areas so that the water and air quality remains good necessary for the survival of living beings.
2. Prohibiting the waterways to prevent the discharge of oils which can contaminate water of estuaries and soil of intertidal zones.
3. The trash of polythene bags, plastic materials, vegetable matter discharged from the city must be cleaned up to retain the quality of soil and water.