If you divide decimals you have to bring up the decimal point but if you divide whole numbers you dont have any decimal points so you just divide the numbers. Sorry if i didnt help i just wanted to help.
I got B but I'll show you how I got that answer.
Let's look at AB and BC. AB = 3 and BC = 4.
3/4 = 0.75
On the triangle, AB = 90. And BC = 10x - 20. We need to solve for x and prove that AB/BC = 0.75.
Let's start with Choice A.
10(11) - 20 = 90.
AB = 90
BC = 90.
90/90 = 1. It doesn't equal 0.75. Meaning this answer is wrong.
Now let's look at Choice B.
10(14) - 20 = 120.
AB = 90
BC = 120
90/120 = 0.75
So, 3:4 = 90:120 making Choice B the correct Answer. Let me know if this is correct
A: the independent variable is the number of soccer games you officiate
B: the dependent variable is your earnings
C: e = earnings; s = soccer games
e = 15s
The independent variables are the cost for one ticket and the number of student tickets. The cost of the tickets depends on the number of student tickets being purchased. The equation would be c = 7s.