---- *Well, since there is really no specific ecosystem that was asked about in the question, I will just list some common and basic abiotic factors found throughout most ecosystems (maybe you can match this with the ecosystem you are talking about).
Abiotic factors: nonliving parts of an ecosystem
Some abiotic factors include: ROCKS, SOIL, AIR, SUN, WATER, ETC.
Rice Plants need to stand in a lot of water for growth. The Borders (bunds) of a rice field have to be Strong to hold the Water. The Farmer Planted Grass Plants on the Borders because, Grass has Fibrous roots which bind the soil of the bund and hold it together.
<u>Explanation</u> : The Answer itself Explains us well about why the farmer planted those grass plants (i.e.) to increase the strength of the soil. We know that Unity and Teamwork are Strong Words. The Soil and Fibrous Roots show us How Strong those Words are!
<em>GMOs probably trigger disgust because people view genetic modification as a contamination. The effect is enforced when the introduced DNA comes from a species that is generally deemed disgusting, such as rats or cockroaches. However, DNA is DNA, whatever its source.</em>
<h3>I hope this helps!</h3>
Ribosomes and Endoplasmic Reticulum. Ribosomes are the organelles responsible for protein translation and are composed of ribosomal RNA. So, the answer has to be A and C.
it happens when 2 organisms jelp each other beneficial.
eg:algae and leguminous plants.the algae live on the roots and take in the nitrogen from the soil,which the plant cannot do and needs for growth.it takes in the nitrogen and pases it to the roots and even make the soil loose for the roots to move and they get a living space(algae on the roots).