Spain would want to gain favour with the pope.
The pope was a powerful figure, as his blessing was taken to mean also God's blessing, so people didn't dare to go against it, and treated it as a law. So if the pope was supporting Spain, he could tell other rulers to help Spain militarity - this was one of the ways in which having the Pope's support mattered.
They work for dirt cheap, and work hard because they want to keep the work they receive, an immigrants usual only hope is a steady work whether or not they're illegal.
The main content of the passage is to present a possible situation in which a violent leader imposes the law on the country by force ("at the point of the sword"), which presumably leads to many deaths. This was what has happened, in Paine's interpretation under William the Conqueror in England. The intention is to show that this situation is undesired in America and to encourage Americans to fight against such a government.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an essential voice in the civil rights movement because he advocated for peaceful, yet powerful protests that would bring attention to the cause. He was also an incredibly powerful speaker who captivated his listeners.
It means that your classmate is to review your article. They sould read and correct spelling errors or punctuation ( but this all depends on their levels of being able to do these tasks). But the main goal is to read and give you feedback.