I'm not sure but it might be C
The answer to this question is "PERCEPTION". The term refers to the mental capacity that process of sorting out things, interpreting things mentally, analyzing things and conditions, and integrating stimuli from the sense organs and from the brain and later come up in a concrete and the sensible result after mental processing.
La mayoría de los productos energéticos que se consumen en la vida cotidiana, como por ejemplo el butano, el gas natural, o los combustibles líquidos
La mayoría de los productos energéticos que se consumen en la vida cotidiana, como por ejemplo el butano, el gas natural, o los combustibles líquidos
Because we have been to busy trying to explore new areas rather than our own and were probably to scared to know what's in our planet so it doesn't cause panic
The soap brands cultivated less bacteria culture than the warm water and hand sanitizer.