before age 8 years in females or age 9 years in males
Precocious puberty is defined as the onset of Tanner 2 secondary sexual characteristics before age 8 years in females or age 9 years in males if continued progression of pubertal development occurs in close follow-up
Exercise programs and sports activities can differ in number of participants from one person doing an activity like jogging or swimming, to hundreds of participants at a track meet. Structure can be loose in solo exercises where you can set your own pace, or be very strict in most competitive sports. Competition varies from none to highly competitive, and can be on an individual or team level. More complex sports and activities can present a high skill level.
Diabetes for sure, I believe heart disease and high blood pressure I think but I know diabetes 100%
It's too early for the baby to get custom to being picked up every time it cries most babys cry when they need attention or the basics gasy hungry or to be changed him touching the baby comforts the baby and this is a stage of development where the bond between parents and infant is made.
The answer here would be true