Some topics are general and are regarded as 'classical' because they are always relevant across time periods through being relatable even as time progresses. For example, topics or themes about politics and satire would still prevail until now. Other topics or themes (such as viral videos) are only for that particular event and do not always occur, thus they do not prevail in the long run.
No results found for Another source from the article – Teacher Attrition and Retention – says that “teachers under the age of 30 are 5.32 times more likely to attrite out of the profession than those just 5 years older.” This is an interesting fact and highlights the issue even more. Even math and science where there is a high demand for teachers can’t seem to hold on to their young educators for very long. If these teachers only stay a year, or two, what effect does this have on the students? They suffer, too. The Department of Justice and the National Education Administration says we spend more than 50% more on inmates in prison per year than on students in schools. Does this make sense? No. If teachers aren’t invested in their profession, education, then we can’t expect kids to be either. With no role model to look up to, a kid might be led into a life of drugs and crime and end up in jail..
Results for Another source from the article – Teacher Attrition and Retention – says that teachers under the age of 30 are 5.32 times more likely to attrite out of the profession than those just 5 years older. This is an interesting fact and highlights the issue even more. Even math and science where there is a high demand for teachers cant seem to hold on to their young educators for very long. If these teachers only stay a year, or two, what effect does this have on the students? They suffer, too. The Department of Justice and the National Education Administration says we spend more than 50% more on inmates in prison per year than on students in schools. Does this make sense? No. If teachers arent invested in their profession, education, then we cant expect kids to be either. With no role model to look up to, a kid might be led into a life of drugs and crime and end up in jail.
A. To explain why he came to Birmingham.
Option A is the correct choice that states King's purpose for writing this letter.
This option correct because looking at the letter, King opened it by saying. "I think I should give the reason for my being in Birmingham..."
this statement he made at the opening of the letter reveals that the purpose of his writing is to explain why he came to Birmingham.
Martin Luther King, Jr., was known as a Baptist minister. Also, he was popularly known to be a social rights activist and a leader of the American civil rights movement in the United States.
I think I understand do you need to know how does it go in english
Well is it a random man called the cake man? if so show his interest and what makes his personality special