Are you talking about the lightning thief one? If so
Anna Beth showed Percy loyalty and friendship by helping Percy on his quest to help find his mom.
Hopefully this helped because I only read the lighting their one!!
I have found this question online and realized that "ice" should actually be "eyes", which makes more sense with the context of the sentence.
The entire absolute phrase in the sentence is "eyes glittering with concentration".
After reading it, we realize that "eyes glittering with concentration" refers to the sentence as whole. That is what makes it an absolute phrase - instead of modifying just one noun, it modifies a whole sentence. In this case, we can imagine Jack moving his cursor while his eyes glitter, showing how focused he is.
Absolute phrases' structure include a noun or a pronoun followed by a participial phrase. For example: hands trembling with nervousness. Notice that "eyes glittering with concentration" follows that structure.
Participial phrases consist of a participle and modifiers. For example: running out of energy.
Onomatopoeia a word that imitates the sound it represents. Like Boom! or Crash!