It sounds like you are understanding what is being spoken about and you are showing that you are caring about what the person is saying while giving them your undivided attention.
Many Europeans came to America but the most important was England because it lead to the United States being formed.
The reason behind this answer is that even though the English were no the first ones to land into America, the continent. They were important because when they landed on the northeastern American coast they opened access to what would become the United States of America. Thus, they are still important and relevant after arriving in America in the last place.
the last one.
In my mind, the answer is the last one.
Stereotypical characters was a nightmare. It encouraged the wrong type of behavior. It presented the Fonz as a standard of behavior for both girls and boys which was unrealistic.
Commercialism is a criticism. It means that we are in competition with our neighbors to see who has the largest yacht. That's not a very good competition.
Nobody lived like the Fonz.
Though it might not be a virtue now, it certainly is not a bad thing to portray. The answer should be the last one.
I believe “satisfyingly” would work, the definition of satisfyingly is: “in a way that gives fulfillment or the pleasure associated with this.” The definition of “proudly” is: “with a feeling of deep pleasure or satisfaction in one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated.” The word satisfy is used in the definition so I believe they are similar!