Hello! I had some trouble with this one too.
Internal Conflict: The feelings the wife has for her husband, such as pride and modesty for him, it could also be the young boys interpretation of the situation, but I would go with the former.
External Conflict: When her husband writes to her, and addresses her by her name, and the woman addressing her husband but his name when talking about the letter.
Y'all have yourselves a nice day!
i cant see the picture sory!
The answer is:
B. Grieving is considered cowardly and serves for the weak of heart.
In King Claudius' lines from "Shakespeare," he expresses to Hamlet that he should not be sad over the loss of his father. First, because it is the natural law of life - parents die and their children outlast them. Secondly, it is not manly - mourning a father is not a masculine attitude a man should possess. Likewise, such behavior belongs to those who have a sensitive heart and a weak mind. He also suggests that Hamlet starts calling him father.