The correct answer is option C, that is, mammals were able to diversify to make use of the variety of habitats that were previously occupied by dinosaurs.
Adaptive radiation refers to the comparatively fast evolution of various species from a single common ancestor. Adaptive radiation usually takes place when a species enters a novel area and distinct traits influence its existence. An illustration of adaptive radiation is the progression of mammals after the annihilation of dinosaurs.
An extremophile
An extremophile is an organism that thrives in extreme environments. Extremophiles are organisms that live in "extreme environments," under high pressure and temperature. ... Since they live in “extreme environments” (under high pressure and temperature), they can tell us under which range of conditions life is possible.
The word that you are looking for is complex.
La alimentación de los conejos
80% HENO.
HENO: La dieta debe ser muy rica en fibra por lo tanto un 80% de su alimentación diaria debe ser heno. Podemos diferenciar dos tipos de heno, de gramíneas (mezcla de hierbas secas y flores) o de leguminosas (alfalfa, trébol, soja, etc.).
los conejos comen muchos alimentos, pero principalmente verduras
If the shopper decided on having to adopt the apple cider
and honey diet, the shopper should consider things like the source credibility,
in which the shopper should know whether this diet produces benefit, if It is
factual and it is something that will not produce any harmful effects.