It’s not a consumer what eats it is a primary consumer
I believe the inability to make saliva would affect digestion drastically. The first phase in the process of digestion comes with saliva - it breaks down some substances in your mouth, because it contains amylase which helps during this process. If it weren't for saliva, you probably wouldn't even be able to swallow food - and even if you did, it would be almost impossible to break it down in your body.
they are all related to CO2 in a way
Every species has different timespans. Some butterflies live 6 months, other live 7 years. However, most of their time they are caterpillars or are in a coccoon. Up to 6 years
Schemas refers to a cognitive frame work which help humans to organize and give interpretations to information obtained both from within and from the external enviroment. Schema guide human cognitive processes and behaviour. Schema helps in structuring our memories by acting as a glue which hold all the information we have gathered together. Shcema is used in recognizing new experience and in relating it with old experiences. Schema affects humans' perception, encoding, memory recall, etc.