Cellular respiration converts carbohydrates into ATP, so first option
Se denomina “energías renovables” a aquellas fuentes energéticas basadas en la utilización del sol, el viento, el agua o la biomasa vegetal o animal -entre otras-. Se caracterizan por no utilizar combustibles fósiles –como sucede con las energías convencionales-, sino recursos capaces de renovarse ilimitadamente.
Potential equation are root 3x+qp=qp
receptor cell bodies are found in the dorsal ganglia which is F
relay cell bodies are found in the grey matter which is G
effector neuron bodies are found in the grey matter which is G
so the answer is D
J is the dorsal root of the spinal nerve and contains the axons of the sensitive cells
H is the anterior root of the spinal nerve and contains the axons of the motor cells
therefore the answer is C
F is the dorsal ganglion
I is the spinal nerve
hence, the answer is B
first they come through the spinal nerve which is (I), then they go through the dorsal root, which is (J) then the impulses go through the grey matter(G) , they go through the anterior root(H) and finally through I
the answer is A